Financial Aid


Frequently, the most taxing barrier students encounter when choosing to attend any University is how to financially support themselves through their years of Undergraduate and Graduate school. To eliminate the intimidation that comes with exploring said opportunities, USGA has assembled this guide to kick-start your search. With these resources, USGA hopes to facilitate the scholarship and grant search for Drexel students. If there are any further questions related to financial aid, you can reach out to Drexel Central at 215-895-1600 or go to

Common Scams


• Being selected for a scholarship you did not apply for

• Processing fees or asking you to give money

• Fake checks

• Scholarships for profit

• Guarantees of scholarships or promises of money

• Limited time offers: although most legitimate scholarships do have clear stated deadlines, they do not pressure applicants with expressions of urgency

• Has no eligibility requirements



• Use reputable sources and websites
• Research before applying to any scholarship


• Pay to apply or receive a scholarship
• Give out personal or financial information
• Use public Wi-fi networks when applying to scholarships



Each of these websites are unique. Below you will find general databases and major or identity specific scholarship opportunities available for Undergraduate and Graduate students.


Drexel Central

Find more information on Undergraduate and Graduate student scholarships.

College Board

Resources on how and where to find grants and scholarships.


Originally, Scholly was created as a Drexel Co-Op by students. Through creating a profile, students can find and manage scholarships. Available for Undergraduate and Graduate students.


Financial aid guide, resources of external scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate students.

TFS Scholarships

Scholarship database for Undergraduate students.


Scholarship and grant database for Undergraduate and Graduate students.


Scholarship directory for Undergraduate and Graduate students.


Scholarship database with categories for Undergraduate and Graduate students.


Scholarships available for Undergraduate and Graduate students.

Pan-American Association

Limited scholarships for Undergraduate students.


Resources and grants for Undergraduate and Graduate students.


Scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate students.

UNC Fund

Scholarships database for POC’s: Undergraduate students.

Human Rights Campaign Foundation

LGBTQ+ student scholarship database for Undergraduate and Graduate students.

Health Administration Scholarships

Healthcare associated scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate students.


Medical and health programs scholarships for Undergraduate students.

Going Merry

By creating a profile, students can find and manage scholarships. Available for Undergraduate and Graduate students.

Association for Women in Science

Scholarships available for women in the science field.


Resources and articles to help with any scholarship search. Access to external scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate students.

JLV College Counseling

Regularly updated scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate students.

International Student Organization

Scholarship opportunities for international Undergraduate and Graduate students.


Scholarship database for Undergraduate and Graduate students.