Our Mission

To fairly represent the undergraduate Drexel Student Body and to foster relations between the students and University community.

Welcome to the USGA Website!

Vivek Babu and Sanjana Suresh

Student Body President and Student Body Vice President

The Undergraduate Student Government Association (USGA) exists to fairly represent student interests and to advocate on behalf of all students to foster an equitable college experience. With our network of student leaders, faculty, and administration, USGA strives to connect student concerns with actionable change on campus.

In order to do so effectively, our organization is composed of five committees: Academic Affairs, Buildings and Properties, Civic Engagement, Student Life, and Student Organization. By developing campus-wide initiatives, these committees allow our organization to support students, connect them to necessary resources, and ensure that the student voice is captured within all aspects of the University.

As we enter a new academic year, we hope to build on USGA’s historic legacy of shaping the Drexel experience by forging relationships with our ambitious, diverse student body. As USGA continues to work for and with students, our hope is to make our team accessible, so that students are empowered to bring up concerns in hopes of continuously improving the college experience.

We are here for you. It is through your voices that we can make Drexel a place where we all feel safe, supported and celebrated.

If you have a possible initiative idea or concern on campus, please do not hesitate to reach out to us through Instagram (@drexelusga) or email (usga@drexel.edu)! More details can be found under the “Contact Us” tab.

Have a great year and let’s go Dragons!

Vivek Babu (Student Body President) and Sanjana Suresh (Student Body Vice President)

USGA’s Organizational Structure