Elections Committee

The Elections Committee manages all application and outreach to grow our organization. Their mission is to find representatives that will work to improve the Drexel student experience.

Welcome to the Elections Committee Page!

Savannah Mitchum

Elections Chair

Welcome to the Elections Committee page! USGA’s elections process is crucial to keeping our board full of diverse and driven students. The purpose of the Elections Committee is to ensure that all full-time undergraduate students receive a fair chance at becoming a member of USGA and creating change within the university. We are dedicated to making what can be a hectic process run as smoothly as possible, and to answer any and all questions a candidate may have.

There are three types of elections for USGA: freshman, rolling, and spring. Freshman elections occur during fall term, where we seek out ambitious freshman students who want to start their college experience off being the bridge between the freshman class and administration. Rolling elections are for any Senator positions that are available in their respective class and occur during fall and winter terms. Spring elections are when USGA elects a new board for the upcoming year and occur during spring term. This is our biggest and most vital election as every position on our board will be available to be run.

My goal as Elections Committee Chair is to make elections more accessible to interested students. It is important that applicants are not left confused and feel that they can reach out if they need any assistance. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding USGA Elections, please do not hesitate to contact us at usgaelections@drexel.edu.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Email the Elections Committee.